Up is Down and Down is Up

They are building a new convention center in our fair city. There are boards erected all around the site with screened peep holes that allow for observers to monitor activity and progress. I keep waiting for something to emerge that looks like the artist’s rendering...

Not Getting Fed . . .

how hungry are you? Her first pot roast was akin to a burnt offering. She felt terrible about it. I considered it a culinary mulligan. History has proven it to be exactly that. My wife is the finest cook that I know. It was simply common sense, not pre-marital...

Ears Tucked In

She tucked my ears in. I looked in the mirror the other night to notice how my ears are seemingly pasted flat to the side of my head.  Then I remembered.  She used to come in when we were in the cribs and then in our beds as young children.  She made sure we were...

Preferences & Pull Down’s

Changed or what? I have this little setting in my computer “pull-down” menus. It’s called “Preferences”. It allows me to adjust numbers of aspects, appearances and actions in various programs, to my total liking. It’s my computer, . . . my way.  And I can change them...