An Ingersoll Update

Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter over the last couple of years. I have a love for writing that I believe to be one of the greatest gifts that my father unintentionally gave me. When I write, I think of him and pray that any good becomes a tribute to him and...

Same Old Same Old

A single point of a solitary 20 year-old sermon stays with me to this day. Mike was a missionary serving in New Guinea, observing from a background in communication and cultural anthropology, that the message that is the most predictable has the least impact and the...

Angel . . . a friend in the making.

Her name is Angel. She works the night shift at a certain coffee shop in town. The patrons stand, zombie-like, in line, one behind the other, in the early morning, pre-coffee stupor. And as they stand there, for lack of intellectual stimulation, they complain about...

Up is Down and Down is Up

They are building a new convention center in our fair city. There are boards erected all around the site with screened peep holes that allow for observers to monitor activity and progress. I keep waiting for something to emerge that looks like the artist’s rendering...