
I see you … I hear you You are just beyond my reach It is maddening to be so close And yet so far away
You have loved me tenderly, relentlessly, fiercely As only a mother can love And yet it is not enough Life pulls us apart geographically socially experientially Someone called it the generation gap But it is more than that It is the order of things A man shall leave his father and mother Life is a vapor … Life giving love that gradually loses the life it gave. It gives way to its eternal expression The here-and-now to the then-and-there And both of us watch this happening Worried there must be something amiss One day it will be my turn Others will reach to embrace and find the same inability to understand to feel to comprehend We have this moment Help us to find Your arms big enough strong enough wide enough safe enough To embrace both of us To know our love in Your Love Intimate Unfailing Eternal This is our Hope That no parting shall be permanent That Reunion will bring all we lacked That we shall love as we never have Forever And ever Amen — KI