Some people heard her say, “I sing in bars.”. I heard her say she was a missionary. One of her missionary songs, described a very dark period of her life … a journey through disappointment and discouragement … November Wind. As I listened I was reminded of the gritty Bible songs. We call them Psalms and the author of the majority of them was David, the cave-dweller, a.k.a. “giant-killer”.
David knew the elation of God-given victory, when all the odds were against him. The ensuing sky-rocketing fame, took him to the pinnacle of national prominence and growing disfavor of yet another giant. Saul, the rejected king of Israel, could not bear all the fanfare that should have been his alone.
That’s what drove David to the caves.
So many of them were written from this dark, damp perspective looking outward to hope’s light at the end of the tunnel. I thought of Psalm 151 specifically. You should read it. Psalm 151 and “November Wind” remind me that the psalms go on. They are still being penned. Some are pretty and some are simply honest. They are our red, mall-map dots … “You are here.” As simple as it sounds, knowing where you are is essential to getting where you want to be. You can’t find your way to your destination without a starting point. That’s where too many are so lost … unwilling or unable to admit where they actually are.
Psalm 151 is the ongoing song of God’s working in your life. You should read it … better yet, you should write it. One way or another, whether we realize it or not, we are all doing just that. We think we are the original owners of the caves that have become our homes, our lives.
But we’re not.
So many heroes of the faith have lived there as well. If you look around you’ll see the faint graffiti.
“Moses wuz here.”
“Life sucks. – Laura”
“Jesus … born here.”
Most of the really great songs are written by people who have known what the cave looks like.
Start writing …
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