
So I ran for 31 years relatively injury free.  This included three not-so-great marathons in Buffalo, Toronto and Ottawa.  I finished them all my best time being 3:56 and some change.  I’ve never been able to let go of this wonderful hobby, if you will.  In 2011...

Associate …

When Elaine and I left Moncton years ago, there was all the normal hoopla. There were those saying their good bye’s who wished us well and others who were likely happy to see us go. It was hard to say good bye to the former but we were also happy to say so long...

Close Enough

I have this nasty habit of “close enough”. So I toss a piece of garbage toward the can and sometimes it goes right in. Other times it just misses and lands by the side of the can. “Close enough!”. And I walk away. Sorry to disappoint you...

Psalm 151

Some people heard her say, “I sing in bars.”.  I heard her say she was a missionary.  One of her missionary songs, described a very dark period of her life … a journey through disappointment and discouragement … November Wind.  As I listened I was reminded...

New Year’s Realizations

I am going to add another relevant word to your New Year’s repertoire.  Let’s call it a precursor to a resolution . . . and being a preacher . . . a reverend if you will, trained to sacrifice the message for the sake of alliteration . . . drum roll . . ....