Against the Wind . . .

. . . I’m older now but not Bob Seger Okay . . . you are going to have to forgive me here. I know that we are all in different times and seasons of our lives but I am wired today. It’s not coffee. I am sitting at the kitchen table trying to get a message for...

Same Old Same Old

A single point of a solitary 20 year-old sermon stays with me to this day. Mike was a missionary serving in New Guinea, observing from a background in communication and cultural anthropology, that the message that is the most predictable has the least impact and the...


I remember watching the Alfred Hitchcock show, years ago, as a child. Seems to me that it used to begin with his silhouette slightly to the right side of the screen. The unique nose mounted on a protruding, somewhat pouty lip. It was unmistakable. Batman’s cowl . . ....

On The Edge

Several years ago, I attended a conference in Phoenix.  I had a few days before returning home and decided to go to the Grand Canyon with several friends.  This was a long term dream of mine but I had no idea just how magnificent . . . how truly grand a place this...

It’s In Me

I am 5’8.5” tall. If I was 6’ tall I really wouldn’t bother mentioning the other half inch . . . but currently it is important to me. Of my many distinctions, the fact that I lived through part of the hippie generation, without ever wearing bell bottoms, deserves at...