An Ingersoll Update

Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter over the last couple of years. I have a love for writing that I believe to be one of the greatest gifts that my father unintentionally gave me. When I write, I think of him and pray that any good becomes a tribute to him and...

This One Goes to “11”.

I like power . . . doesn’t matter what you are talking about . . . I like it. My surround sound system is less captivating to me than it was at one time.  Now I have to turn it 3/4’s of the way up to get the audio fix that I am looking for.  If I could get the 3/4...

Same Old Same Old

A single point of a solitary 20 year-old sermon stays with me to this day. Mike was a missionary serving in New Guinea, observing from a background in communication and cultural anthropology, that the message that is the most predictable has the least impact and the...

It’s In Me

I am 5’8.5” tall. If I was 6’ tall I really wouldn’t bother mentioning the other half inch . . . but currently it is important to me. Of my many distinctions, the fact that I lived through part of the hippie generation, without ever wearing bell bottoms, deserves at...

The Sunday Before Christmas

Twas the Sunday before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, except perhaps a mouse The songs were sung by the choir with care, In hopes that the blessing soon would be there The children were settled while the young pastor read With slight...