The Crossing

The strong winds are driving the angry surf against the shoreline as I sit in the compound waiting for a late ferry.  Memories of my life on Grand Manan Island remind me that late-fall crossings are absolutely unpredictable.  I am not in control. My stomach does a...

Follower . . . ?

Why do I find it so much easier to call myself a Christian than to call myself a “follower of Christ”? I realize that the term “Christian” came later.  Acts 11:26 tells us that it originated in Antioch and was applied to “disciples”...

Let’s Pretend

Hey . . . the top of another week . . . Sunday is 24 hours into the history books . . . and I feel like playing.  So let me invite you to play with me. Let’s pretend. We used to do that when we were kids.  When you pretend, you can be anyone that you want to be and...

Up is Down and Down is Up

They are building a new convention center in our fair city. There are boards erected all around the site with screened peep holes that allow for observers to monitor activity and progress. I keep waiting for something to emerge that looks like the artist’s rendering...

Not Getting Fed . . .

how hungry are you? Her first pot roast was akin to a burnt offering. She felt terrible about it. I considered it a culinary mulligan. History has proven it to be exactly that. My wife is the finest cook that I know. It was simply common sense, not pre-marital...