by Karl | Dec 31, 2010 | Spiritual
I am going to add another relevant word to your New Year’s repertoire. Let’s call it a precursor to a resolution . . . and being a preacher . . . a reverend if you will, trained to sacrifice the message for the sake of alliteration . . . drum roll . . ....
by Karl | Jun 12, 2010 | Spiritual, Uncategorized
A dear friend recently posed this question on Facebook . . . thought I’d post my response as a blog . . . Hey! I just thought I’d throw this thought out there – even if I probably know the answer… what’s your thought on why does God...
by Karl | Feb 28, 2010 | Spiritual
“What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory . . . ?” Good question. It’s one that Paul asks in Romans 9:23. It is really a question offered as an answer. Jesus was a Master at this. ...
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