Associate …

When Elaine and I left Moncton years ago, there was all the normal hoopla. There were those saying their good bye’s who wished us well and others who were likely happy to see us go. It was hard to say good bye to the former but we were also happy to say so long...

Weekend Warriors

Colonel Sam Trautman coined the term for me.  He was a character created by David Morrell, played by Richard Crenna in the movie “First Blood”.  John Rambo, a Vietnam war vet trying to navigate the horrors of his combat experience and the anti-war sentiment of the...

Chasing Cars

I can vividly remember cruising through our neighborhood in the ’58’ Chevy pick-up that my Dad purchased.  It was our “new” truck. The only thing that it had going for it, in my mind, was that it was awful green instead of awful rusty.  Dad threatened to strip the...


My first trip to Brown Lake . . . early exposure to one of my greatest buddies . . . Layton Ford. I am a Grand Manan trout fisherman. It goes like this. When you get to the fishing hole, you cut a pole from an alder that is as straight as you can find. Then you reach...

Never Judge a Man . . .

. . . until you’ve walked a mile in his Sandro Comfort Gels We stood in the airport together.  He was returning to the West Coast after a few days of sanity in his own neck of the woods.  Things had recently imploded in his marriage and he was sadly sorting...