Life Between Sundays

Not Getting Fed . . .

how hungry are you? Her first pot roast was akin to a burnt offering. She felt terrible about it. I considered it a culinary mulligan. History has proven it to be exactly that. My wife is the finest cook that I know. It was simply common sense, not pre-marital...

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A Prayer For My Buddies

I am most blessed to have men at my shoulder, at most every turn. They are godly men - they wouldn't profess that of course. But I see what they cannot . . . their consistent, imperfect efforts to please and serve Him. They tell me that I am the same. Like them, I...

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Ears Tucked In

She tucked my ears in. I looked in the mirror the other night to notice how my ears are seemingly pasted flat to the side of my head.  Then I remembered.  She used to come in when we were in the cribs and then in our beds as young children.  She made sure we were...

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Pain Management . . . by the time it hurts.

By the time it hurts it’s too late. In my very limited experience with pain management, I have learned that they give you medication so that you can stay ahead of it.  If you choose to evaluate by your current feelings you might forego the medication and just decide...

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Preferences & Pull Down’s

Changed or what? I have this little setting in my computer “pull-down” menus. It’s called “Preferences”. It allows me to adjust numbers of aspects, appearances and actions in various programs, to my total liking. It’s my computer, . . . my way.  And I can change them...

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