I am most blessed to have men at my shoulder, at most every turn. They are godly men – they wouldn’t profess that of course. But I see what they cannot . . . their consistent, imperfect efforts to please and serve Him. They tell me that I am the same. Like them, I cannot see it. Together however, we are headed in the same direction with the same purpose and God is fully present in these transforming relationships, . . . defining . . . refining . . . compelling . . .
Who knows where they will be today?
YOU do . . .
YOU know . . .
Every mile they will log
Every conversation they will share
Every person they will meet
Every problem they will face
Every frustration they will feel
Every opportunity that will come
Every test, every trial, every heartache, every joy . . .
YOU know it all right now before they do.
YOU know they are not perfect . . .
I am so glad for that
That gives me a place to belong
A place to grow
YOU know how they will fail today
And they will know also . . . in due course
Help them to forgive themselves
As you have already done
YOU are already smiling at their victories
They may not even see them
But YOU do
If they do, give them grateful hearts
To keep them from pride
Give them patience for people
Give them wisdom in restraint . . .
To hold their tongues when they should
To speak when they should
And always to pray
May people be drawn to YOU
By what they see in THEM
Keep them safe
Give them health
Bless them as much as YOU can
Without them coveting the blessing
Instead of the BLESSER
Let their greatest Hunger be YOU
Their greatest Desire be YOU
Their greatest Understanding be YOU
Their greatest Buddy be YOU
Karl Ingersoll
Thanks for this prayer for your buddies. We need to hold each other in prayer because the enemy would like to steal and destroy. Keep looking at the God at the end of the journey.
This is such a beautiful prayer. It means a lot to me personally because one of your “Buddies” is my husband. I can tell you since Patrick started running with the 6am group, he has changed. He has seen finally that there really is good guys out there, that truly care. Thanks Karl, Sarah
Sarah . . . when a man brags about his wife, in her absence, you know a couple things:
you know that he loves her deeply
you know that she is indeed a special lady
Pat has had so many wonderful words about you in our morning times. He is so proud of you. I love seeing that in him!