Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter over the last couple of years. I have a love for writing that I believe to be one of the greatest gifts that my father unintentionally gave me. When I write, I think of him and pray that any good becomes a tribute to him and above and far beyond all that . . . a tribute to the Heavenly Father.
Our family is in the middle of some wonderful days of transition. God is daily, showing His faithfulness. We are finishing 11 years at First Wesleyan and 34 years of pastoral ministry. It has been a blessed and a challenging experience.
We will forever love the folks along the way who have pursued His Direction and leading shoulder to shoulder with us. We are done at First as of the third Sunday of May. I will be the guest speaker at my son’s graduation service in June . . . at his request.
Since our decision to resign and move on, the following things have unfolded:
- We have an accepted offer on a horse farm in the area. Our family dream and desire is to have a property that will facilitate retreat ministry. Erin is the horse fanatic.
- We have our house for sale currently with a conditional offer which we have accepted. The closing date on the farm is June 1st . . . all of our finances are arranged. Your prayers for a smooth transaction would be much appreciated. Elaine will continue her work as a Teacher’s Assistant in District 18.
- Mike and Erin are approved as the main mortgagors on the new property and we will become the tenants at the farm.
- I have been offered a position as the Atlantic Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship and am in the initial stages of finalizing start dates etc. I hope to be able to develop a complementary itinerant ministry alongside the CEF responsibilities and am available to fill pulpits, speak and or sing at special events of any sort. If the Lord is willing i also hope to write a book or three.
- There is also a deep desire that I have to plant a different expression of the church. I am convinced that we need to get outside the box and allow for God to customize and reconfigure a ministry model intentionally geared to reach those currently untouched by the ministry of established churches. I am no more insightful, no more capable than any others of my colleagues but I do believe this to be an eventual part of this transition in my life. Please pray for us.
After May 16th, I will morph this newsletter relative to our new direction. I plan to continue to share my heart with those who wish to stay on this email list as I continue to pursue God’s Direction and His Pleasure in my life. On the bottom of the newsletter that you receive, there is a link that says: “Manage My Subscription” . . . you can unsubscribe there, change your email address . . . you have complete control . . . I would love to have you remain on this list but don’t want anyone to feel awkward about canceling. Most of us get an abundance of digital input these days. I have a sincere desire to simply be “prayed for” by as many people as possible as we move forward.
If you are on Facebook, add me as a “Friend” and you will see a photo album called “The Farm”. They are pictures of the property that we are believing to be our next home. Again, thanks for taking the time and interest to read. For the “locals”, I will always remain a “pastor” . . . it is a part of my spiritual DNA and a matter of God’s calling . . . one that I knew before I knew Him even. “If what you believe makes no difference, then it makes no difference what you believe.” – KI Coram Deo, Karl & Elaine and Ko.
Love you and pray for you and your family.I know you do the same for me. Our special friendship is more than just cousins. Stay in touch.
Thanks dear Cathy . . . these have been crazy months. We’ll catch up this summer at some point.
Dear Karl, There is no doubt in my mind that you are being called to do something different. How wonderful is it that you hear this call? If there is anything I can do to help out, please let me know. i would love to drop by this summer to share a glass of ice tea with you and Elaine. Hugs and prayers for you all. Lisa
Thanks Lisa . . . Elaine and I think of you sooooo often. We have two of our own horses so you’ll need to come for a ride and we’ll get up to speed on our lives. You are a special lady . . . we love you.