Be Thou my Guide.
And by Thy Power
No foot shall slide.
I was alone by my own choice in the early morning downtown core. The others were out there . . . somewhere, . . . beating the frost-dressed pavement, huffing, puffing and scuffing their way into the new day. The 6AM runners were cutting a large slice off the front end of a new-day pie.
As I ran I was praying, thinking and losing the imaginary boundary that artificially divides the two by times. Concerns . . . situations . . . people . . . health . . . succeeding or failing as a pastor?
The sound of the Westminister Chimes emanating from the spire of the Cathedral, a beautiful old iconic landmark in the Capital City, came as Divine intervention. The melodic phrases marking the passing of each 15-minute period and then forming as a whole on each hour are beautiful to me.
Last week, I learned that there were lyrics to the melody. In the clock room of Big Ben, they are inscribed . . . they began this little reflection today. Look back to the beginning to review them. In the busyness of the day I have never heard them, but in the morning . . . uncrowded, uncluttered I hear them.
The lyrics are now permanently attached to the sound and they provide me with a reminder to pray, to listen, to trust that the God of this hour will truly be my Guide.
I suspect that we are not that much different, . . . that there are many times during the day when we forget who He is and thus who we are. We lose Him the more that we try to control our lives rather than allowing God to control and order them.
I am praying for God to be honored in my life in the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, decades . . . in every season of my life. He makes sense of them when I cannot. You may not understand what in the world is going on in your life right now and understanding might make you feel better . . . it might make you feel worse. But God is “going on” and there is an ongoing Purpose which will bring Him Glory and you . . . good. Really!
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