The King of Klutz

I am the King of Klutz when it comes to being handy. Actually I am more “thumby” than handy. One Christmas my wife wanted to buy me a cordless screwdriver. I told her that none of the screwdrivers that I currently owned had cords and wondered what would...

The Crossing

The strong winds are driving the angry surf against the shoreline as I sit in the compound waiting for a late ferry.  Memories of my life on Grand Manan Island remind me that late-fall crossings are absolutely unpredictable.  I am not in control. My stomach does a...

Angel . . . a friend in the making.

Her name is Angel. She works the night shift at a certain coffee shop in town. The patrons stand, zombie-like, in line, one behind the other, in the early morning, pre-coffee stupor. And as they stand there, for lack of intellectual stimulation, they complain about...

7 Danes A Week

I am without question, a creature of habit. Perhaps one of the most frustrating questions that I am asked is, “What’s New?”. It is a lazy, nearly rhetorical inquiry, that hardly deserves a sensible response. I want to say, “New England, New...

Follower . . . ?

Why do I find it so much easier to call myself a Christian than to call myself a “follower of Christ”? I realize that the term “Christian” came later.  Acts 11:26 tells us that it originated in Antioch and was applied to “disciples”...